The Dangers of Working at a Mall

From my Reintroduction post I told you guys I worked at a mall. I work at one of the fastest-growing retail stores yada yada… Well unfortunately for my part-time pay, I spend non-working hours there giving money to the stores. There are two main guilty categories that always lure both me and my wallet in. So the money I make at the mall I end up giving back… for very cute clothes and tasty treats.

1. The Clothes

Packing for a trip I found my most recent shopping bag (pictured below, minus one romper). Other items I’ve bought are work [restaurant] shirts, jeans, athleticwear (running pants and sports bras), socks, and earrings. My motto is if it’s cute and cheap it’s mine. I love a good sale and it seems every store at this mall does also.

The Food

I have consumed many smoothies during my lunch break (I had to ask for a punch card) and a goal I’m not proud of is to have sampled every smoothie offered…very unfortunate for my bank account. I sometimes get my favorite Taco Bell item – the cheesy bean and rice burrito which ends up slathered in Fire sauce. I use around 7 packets each time; I I really like my hot sauce. One of the Chinese restaurants has vegetarian-friendly cheese wontons (no crab meat) so every once in a while I’ll  get an order. Three for a dollar? Sounds good to me. Whenever I want a sweet treat I’ll stop by Subway and get two cookies – one chocolate chip and one m&m and choc chip.

RIP my wallet.

Bonus: The Pokémon

Okay this one isn’t a money-snatcher but it has consumed a lot of my time. My mall has like seven Pokéstops in it plus it’s weatherproof (it’s an indoor mall) so a lot of people will come by just to hatch their eggs, get items, and catch Pokémon. Air conditioned with food available, it’s a pretty swell place to Pokéhunt. I’ll walk around both floors multiple times getting every Pokéstop and Pokémon I see, putting kilometers towards my eggs. The danger here is losing time that I should be putting towards productive things. Like that gym membership I keep postponing.

Well that’s all, folks.

Pokémon Go! + What I’ve Learned

Hey! I’m sure I’m not the only one here who plays Pokémon Go. I don’t know the stats exactly but apparently it’s already more popular than Tinder and has almost as many (if not already) downloads/users as Twitter. At level 5 you can join a team and battle in Poké gyms. Team Yellow (Instinct), Blue (Mystic), and Red (Valor). I personally chose the latter.

I joined 7/7/16 and I chose Squirtle as my starter; that was before the Pikachu-as-your-starter trick was well-known (just keep walking away from your three options and Pikachu will show up). Well I got ADDICTED and even spent 7+ hours right after I got out of working walking around a large city looking for Pokémon. I hatched around 4 eggs that day and lmao I looked like such a nerd. I was very strategic about it I had my phone connected to my portable charger which was in my lil backpack with only the cable sticking out. Every time I got in my car to drive to a new location I would use the car charger and since I have two phones (one only works with Wi-Fi) I would use the Wi-Fi only one to walk around stores and catch Pokémon there so meanwhile my data phone would be charging. The closest I got to a dead battery was 1%. I was out of Poké balls by the end of the night so I had to call it a day.

What I’ve Learned

I learned to catch every Pokémon I see for the XP/stardust/candy then get rid of the lower level ones for the candy so I can evolve/power up the toughest Pokémon that uses that candy. I also save my Lucky Eggs for when I decide to evolve multiple Pokémon/catch Pokémon at Poké stops that have lures/actually use the Poké stops that way I double my XP and level up. What have you guys learned? Any tips/tricks? It seems everyone learns something new every day from playing it i.e. the newest thing is naming your Eevee so that it evolves into what you want it to be. I just need Vaporeon…

My Pokémon!

I’m not gonna bother showing off my copious amounts of Weedles/Rattatas. The area I’m in is FULL of those with Drowzees, Caterpies, and Eevees being next. Anywho here are my best Pokémon to date. I’m not going anywhere near a gym again until I’m in the 1000s lmao. Though even if you lose it is a good way to gain XP.


Still got a ways to go but playing this game is great exercise and I’ve walked into businesses I would’ve otherwise never gone in. I spontaneously got myself some great breadsticks at a small local restaurant I’d never been in and lemme tell you I love breadsticks. Mmm.

If you guys want to feel free to share your Pokémon! Which Pokémon are around you?